ep 21 “gospel-centered parenting: when life looks different than you envisioned” with melanie matthews

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How can we intentionally root ourselves upon the Lord in such a way that when the unexpected comes and rocks us, we are able to remain firm in our faith? How can we practically keep the gospel in front of us on the days where everything seems to weigh heavy and we feel overwhelmed? We are talking about how the Lord tenderly meets us and reminds us of his presence through his word, prayer and the lives of others. How can we partner with others in a way that allows them a safe place to open up and share while also gently offers the hope of the gospel?

On today’s episode, I am chatting with Melanie Matthews, a wife and mother of three, as we continue on in our series on gospel-centered parenting. We’re talking about how we can apply the gospel when life looks different than we envisioned. I imagine many of us can relate to this for many different reasons.

I pray you will walk away encouraged and renewed by how the Lord works and walks with us in this life. “The Lord is the one who will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.” (Deut 31:8)


ep 22 “gospel-centered parenting: family discipleship” with adam griffin


ep 20 “gospel-centered parenting: grace, modeling and finishing well” with bill and pam mutz